More than 40 years of successful brand promotion
The history of our company begins with the invention of the tanning bed. Friedrich Wolff, the brother of our company owner Jörg Wolff, registered the patent for his invention in 1976: A sunbed for tanning without a risk of getting sunburnt. The following 40 years were earmarked by the impressive success story of a medium-sized German company and its employees.

Foundation of KOSMEDICO - Sales of Cosmetic and Medical Lamps GmbH,
In 1976, Jörg Wolff founded the company KOSMEDICO - Sales of Cosmetic and Medical Lamps GmbH, based in Stuttgart. It is the root of today’s globally operating JW Holding Group being characterized from the beginning by its innovative strength and vision.

Market entry USA
Start of market expansion into the US, first by founding Wolff System Technology Inc., headquartered in New Jersey (now in Atlanta).

Introduction of COSMOLUX
This is the year of birth of the Cosmedico brand lamps. COSMOLUX was the first lamp series launched under the name Cosmedico. Prior to that, the lamps were sold under the trade name of Wolff System.

Cosmedico Inc. in the USA
As part of the launch of a second product line of tanning lamps called COSMOLUX, another US-based company, the KOSMEDICO, Inc., was established in Chicago. Later it traded as COSMEDICO LIGHT, Inc. in the Boston area and has been renamed into JW North America Inc. since 2017.

Introduction of VHO technology
The ingenuity of our engineers led to the launch of the VHO technology for tanning lamps. This very high-output technology enabled the production of much more powerful lamps than ever before.

Introduction of CosmoLux RCS
The legendary RCS was one of the first 100 Watt reflector lamps. Its revolutionary lamp technology featured the first built-in reflector, resulting in an instantaneous increase in performance.

Introduction COSMOLUX VHR
In 1990 the first 160 watt high performance reflector lamp was launched: the COSMOLUX VHR. Thanks to its state-of-the-art design it was possible to combine a highly effective phosphor blend with the innovative VHR electrode technology. Over the following years this lamp set unmatched standards in performance throughout the tanning industry.

Headquarter Stuttgart
After the splendid ground-breaking ceremony in 1990, the workforce moved into the new company headquarters on Kölner Straße in Stuttgart only one year later.

Medical Systems Division
Enlargement of COSMEDICO LICHT GmbH by setting up the Medical Systems business unit with a clear focus on the development, production and worldwide distribution of radiation equipment and UV lamps for medical applications.

Solaria fair Cologne
Solaria which stands for the international trade fair for sunlight systems quickly became the major platform of the tanning industry in Europe. Cosmedico continuously pointed to new horizons at this fair and presented attractive and innovative products every two years.

Acquisition of Lancashire Lightening Services Ltd. in the UK
Acquisition of Lancashire Solarium and Leisure Services Ltd. (now trading as Lancashire Lightening Services Ltd.) in Preston, Lancashire, UK. Founded in 1983, the company is the UK’s no 1 ‘One Stop Shop’ for all tanning supplies.

Participation NARVA
Acquisition of a shareholding and 2003 increase to a majority stake in NARVA Lichtquellen GmbH + Co. KG, headquartered in Brand-Erbisdorf, Germany. By now all Cosmedico low pressure tanning lamps are manufactured by this leading company for special lamps in Germany. At the same time: Founding of JW Holding GmbH as an investment and management holding company.

25 years Cosmedico
To have the sunlight with its positive effects always available, regardless of the time of day or the year’s season was the original vision of our company founder Jörg Wolff. Cosmedico makes the wish of many people come true for 25 years. On the occasion of our 25th anniversary, Dr. Lothar Späth, the former Prime Minister of Baden-Württemberg, gave a speech in which he praised the innovative strength and sustainability of the owner-managed medium sized sector.

Introduction VHR 9K90
With the launch of the 9K90 technology Cosmedico set new industry benchmarks for low pressure tanning lamps. This unique lamp technology featured an advanced and patented phosphor blend which had never before been used before in fluorescent lamps. It did not only bring a revolution in efficiency but was also unmatched in terms of and tanning performance.

Introduction COSMOFIT
COSMOFIT was and still is our powerful answer to the European 0.3 regulations, limiting the maximum output of erythema irradiance of professional tanning equipment to 0.3 W/m². Cosmedico COSMOFIT lamps comply with the specifications of EU standards in most popular sunbeds providing state-of-the-art tanning technology.

Market introduction of 10K100®
Enlargement of the Cosmedico range by a new premium lamp series. The Cosmedico 10K100® is the perfect upgrade for any sunbed. It offers second to none premium quality to get the maximum tanning effect out of tanning beds - particularly within 0.3.

JW Sales GmbH
Founding of JW Sales GmbH based in Stuttgart. Cosmedico Licht GmbH has been merged into this sales company. Cosmedico continued as a registered trademark and tanning lamp brand. Since then Cosmedico tanning lamps have been distributed worldwide by JW Sales GmbH.

FIBO Cologne
The year 2014 marked the beginning of a new trade fair: SUNbiz in Cologne. Under the umbrella of Fibo the industry found a new and contemporary home after Solaria had been discontinued in 2007. Since then, we present our latest products at the Cosmedico booth every year and maintain our international customer contacts.

Introduction of WILD WAVE
In 2015, we launched the Cosmedico WILD WAVE at the FIBO. It is our exclusive range of lamps featuring a stunning WAVE design which can be experienced in two different versions: WILD WAVE BLUE with a vitalizing sunrise effect and WILD WAVE RED with a relaxing sunset effect.

Introduction RUBINO low pressure lamps
Latest research results led to the development of Cosmedico RUBINO. Red light as an additive to UV light activates skin metabolism and oxygenation of the skin. As a result, the tanning process is experienced as particularly gentle and the skin feels smooth and soft after use.